I haven't seen a poll yet that has Biden at 45% approval. And you must have polled people who live under a rock if they trust Joe Biden more on “being culturally moderate and not extreme” and “protecting people’s individual rights."

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Refuse to participate in one or more presidential debates and Joe Biden is even further gone than what Americans have been witnessing for the past 3-plus years at a worsening pace.

Conduct another of his handlers' Basement Campaigns, and he's still gone, though perhaps more of a contest.

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Who remembers that throughout much of 2022 and 2023 most economists and business leaders were predicting a recession? Hasn't happened yet. If the choice is between 2% inflation with 10% unemployment and 4% inflation with 4% unemployment, which would you choose? If it weren't for the Saudis, Iraq, UAE, and Russia voluntarily prolonging their oil production cuts since last year, and wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, we would probably be looking at both inflation AND unemployment rates coming down. But the Saudis and Russia want Biden out of the White House. Russia wants that so much they are willing to accept lower revenues at a time when you'd think they'd want as much revenue as possible to support their war machine. This is not to say that Biden's "Green" initiatives like mandating EVs and spending tons of money on renewables aren't dumb. They are. But on balance the economy is working better than most of us expected two years ago with supply chains still clogged due to COVID (I had to wait 6 months for a bicycle!), and China's zero-COVID policy hampering their manufacturing. Taking the long view, I'd say that Biden's policies have overall succeeded in bringing the economy back into very good shape, and we're doing a whole lot better than most other countries recovering from COVID. But who takes the long view anymore?

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You might add "aid Ukraine" to the list because the two candidates are so far apart on the issue.

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