A more accurate demographic is the divide among educated women and the rest. This is the quickly rising ruling class/group, and they will always disdain everyone else. As the rulers become more and more controlling, extremism will prevail.

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This isn't a divide between educated and uneducated -- it's a divide between rich and poor, and since the rich makes the rules, they are unloading their college debt onto working people. Working people resent paying student loans for married couples who can make up to a quarter of a million dollars each year. This is not forgiveness, it's debt that is being transferred from the haves to the have nots, the people who went without and paid their student loans, paid their expenses by working, or chose an alternate route. Gee, can't imagine why folks aren't on board for that.

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This is an oversimplification of a complex issue. Most people who have obtained college degrees have done so by some combination of (a) being financed by their parents/grandparents, (b) obtaining scholarships and grants with few strings attached, and (c) using money earned from their own work. I did all of the above, AND also chose a course of study (engineering) that would enable me to make a positive contribution to society and be financially rewarded accordingly.

If people choose to enroll in very expensive college programs with little realistic prospect of paying for any loans, then they should be accountable for the results, and not bailed out by taxpayers regardless of their level of education. It is not fundamentally any different than if they buy a luxury house in a dry forested area, fail to insure it, and then have it destroyed by a wildfire.

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