Yikes … Take a 15-20 billion dollar problem, add “free money”, and turn it into a 100 billion dollar gravy train. No thanks.

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From Former Congressman Peter DeFazio and chairman that led the investigation of the Max disaster. Before this is even considered all the McDonnell Douglas and GE Harry Stonecipher clones need to go from Boeing management. As Stonecipher said years ago Boeing is an engineering company and I will make it a business. He and his acolytes did. When a major American airline told former Ceo Mullenberg in 2010 they were going all Airbus unless they could match fuel consumption and no pilot training. Mullenberg scrapped the work on a new design and fatefully decided to put larger engines on an obsolete airframe leading to the max tragedy. His successor Calhoun with his BA in accounting made the stock ticker the most important aspect of Boeings work disastrously outsourcing and rushing planes through production. Yes Calhoun is finally leaving (I expect with a similar golden parachute to disgraced Mullenberg $63million) with no sense of urgency - end of the year. Unless the Board cleans house or perhaps the stockholders clear out the incompetent board they should not get a penny of taxpayer money.

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One thing that will be interesting to see is what kind of liability Boeing is facing in the coming months and years. In a scenario where liabilities fall on the high end, one can envision a split of the individual companies under the Boeing umbrella (aerospace, commercial, defense, etc.). I'm also curious if any of these quality control deficiencies extend to the defense products Boeing makes and if they don't, why? Very thought provoking piece.

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