I think the Dems are worried. Nancy Pelosi was recently interviewed by Katie Tur (MSNBC?). She said that Biden had created 9 million jobs and that Trump lost more jobs than any other President in history and 'we' just have to make sure people know this. KT pointed out that 2020 - Trump's last year - was the pandemic where millions of jobs disappeared, etc.

Pelosi simply backed up and hit the gas again - Trump lost more jobs than any other President in history. KT again mentioned Covid. Pelosi snapped something to the effect that maybe KT wanted to defend Trump but SHE didn't have to.

KT wasn't defending anybody - she was merely stating a historical fact: Covid and massive job loss hit in 2020. That so many jobs were lost indicates that there were a great many jobs out there to lose - aka good economic times. She could also have pointed out that 1- much of the job creation on Biden's watch was merely the lost jobs being refilled as Covid mitigated; 2- many of the new jobs were being filled by the border crossers that Biden let in; and 3- some of the new jobs were so bad (low wages, parttime, irregular schedules) that they were being filled by illegal workers, some just children like the construction and slaughterhouse workers recently found among Biden's alien minors that have been released to dubious 'guardians'.

Trump needs to show THAT aspect of Biden's so-called recovery. What people are remembering are the very real good economic times prior to 2020.

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Fair or not it's the reality. When people have more money in the bank they feel better about things. When they can pay off the car or the credit card. Stimulus payments plus extremely generous unemployment insurance plus small businesses having lots of money pumped in via bogus PPP "grants". All combined with low interest rates. There were help wanted signs everywhere. People were switching jobs for more money or better conditions.

Student loan forgiveness and thousands of tax deductions for Teslas don't touch most of us. We don't rack up loans going to art school, we don't itemize on taxes. The Biden administration has been paying lip service to a small segment of the population, meanwhile millions more workers have been allowed in complete with work visas.

If Trump weren't so loathsome things would be a blowout.

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Compared to the past 3.5 years, I feel like I should have celebrated daily during the Trump years. By any measure, I was well-off for a short time. Nowadays, I'm looking through the weekly deals to decide what groceries to buy for the week (which means we aren't even eating very healthy).

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Too bad the million or so folks who passed away from COVID because Trump threw out the plans for dealing with a pandemic couldn't have taken part in the poll. "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it..." George Santayana

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You are right. I tend to forget it too. He pushed the whole thing onto states when we needed a federal policy. Didn't want to anger the business people. Afraid to push back against the anti vaxxers also.

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They inherited a policy from the Obama administration. It was handed to Trump's transition team and they threw it in the trash.

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And the incessant focus on young teenagers and college students cosplaying as revolutionaries on college campuses is something the *vast* majority of voters, even young ones, do not care about. Please, for the love of God, find a way to move this narrative back to the $1.6 trillion Biden has invested in the economy and the good work being done on student loans and the fact that weren't not constantly lurching from self-inflicted crisis to self-inflicted crisis, foreign policy or otherwise.

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